Cancer Black Salve


Cancer Black Salve

Together We Can Create a Healthier Life !




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Breast Cancer AwarenessThe info on this website is largely based on testimonial, accumulated over a period of several years from people who have used these products.



Case histories revealed that formulating the proper portions of various herbs can result in a wide variety of possibilities.  There are several Uses for the black salve see below.

1.  Internal Malignancies in the liver, kidneys, colon, prostate, female sex organs, breast, lung and throat areas to name a few.

2. Through internal ingestion, a variety of fungi, viruses, and bacteria have been repeatedly reported by users and overcome:  such as flu, colds, strep throat, mouth diseases and yeast infections.

3.  Externally, in the form of sun skin damage or wart and mole removal.

4.  Removal of plaque from teeth and diseases from gums by mixing Black Salve with toothpaste.

5.  Detoxifying the body by ingestion will also induce oxygen in the system and affected areas thereby further inhibiting carcinogen growth.

6.  Black Salve provides a high level of organic calcium and potassium, the anionic minerals
needed to energize the liver in a manner that stimulates natural  healing enzymes from the liver to every part of the body, thereby creating proper function of the system.

7.  Alleviating yeast infection, candidiacies in females with the usage of Black Salve in warm water to douche with.

8.  For Lower Colon problems, use the solution above as an enema.



You may have heard of it as:
Montana Mud
Black Salve
Compound X,
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4 Page Flyer about Black Salve

1 Page Flyer about Cleansing Time Products.

11 Page of Black Salve Compound X - Original
12 Pages of Black Salve Compound X - Updated
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** Disclaimer: All information presented by Cancer Black Salve is for educational purposes only. The articles are not intended to substitute for a consultation with your physician. In case of medical questions or uncertainties, the reader is encouraged to seek the advice of his/her own physician or health care practitioner. The products listed have not been evaluated by the FDA and, therefore, cannot claim to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This disclaimer applies to the Black Salve testimonials also, written by non-professionals and by no means makes any guarantees supported by **